We have moved to https://dokuwiki.librecad.org/
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This wiki will be kept for a while to keep search engine results valid. Moved sites may be deleted here in future.
LibreCAD 3 - Whats done and whats not
From LibreCAD wiki
Whats done,
- Document storage.
- Undo/Redo
- Move
- Rotate
- Scale
- Copy
- Builder pattern for operations on multiple entities
- Entities
- Line
- Circle
- Arc
- Ellipse
- Text
- Dimensions
- LWPolyline ( Viewer Portion Remaining )
- Spline ( Some parts ) ( Viewer Portion remaining ).
- Concept of Layers.
- I/O ( DXF read and write support )
- Blocks
Whats not done ( Help Wanted )
- Trim
- Extend
- Hatch
- Block Entity
- ViewPorts
- Paper Space
- Model Space
- Ray Entity
- Bezier Curves ( Work in Progress )