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From LibreCAD wiki
[hide]Actions, Tools and Commands
Action | Tool | Commands |
DrawPoint | Points | po, point |
DrawLine | Line - 2 Points | l, li, line |
DrawPolyline | Polyline - Polyline | pl, polyline |
DrawLineParallel | Line - Parallel | o, pa, offset, parallel |
DrawArc3P | Arc - 3 Points | a, ar, arc |
DrawCircle | Circle - Center, Point | ci, circle |
DrawLineRectangle | Line - Rectangle | rec, rect, rectangle |
DrawMText | Tools - MText | mtxt, mtext |
DrawText | Tools - Text | txt, text |
DrawHatch | Tools - Hatch | ha, hatch |
DrawLineFree | Freehand Line | fhl, free |
DrawSpline | Spline | spl, spline |
DrawSplinePoints | Spline Through points | stp, spline2 |
DrawLineOrthogonal | Line - Orthogonal | ortho, perp |
DrawLineVertical | Vertical Line | ver, vertical |
DrawLineHorizontal | Horizontal Line | hor, horizontal |
DrawEllipseInscribed | Inscribed Ellipse | ei, ie |
DrawLineBisector | Bisector | bi, bisect |
DrawLineTangent1 | Tangent (P,C) | tanpc, tangentpc |
DrawLinePolygonCorCor | Polygon (Cor, Cor) | poly2, polygon2v |
DrawLineParallelThrough | Parallel Through Point | pp, ptp |
DrawCircle2P | Circle - 2 Points | c2, circle2 |
DrawCircle3P | Circle - 3 Points | c3, circle3 |
DrawCircleTan3 | Tangential 3 Circles | ct3, tan3 |
Action | Tool | Commands |
ZoomRedraw | Redraw | zr, rg, regen, redraw |
ZoomWindow | Window Zoom | zw |
ZoomAuto | Auto Zoom | za |
ZoomPan | Zoom Panning | zp |
ZoomPrevious | Previous View | zv |
Action | Tool | Commands |
EditUndo | Undo | u, undo, oo |
EditRedo | Redo | r, redo, uu |
EditKillAllActions | ??? | k, kill |
Action | Tool | Commands |
DimAligned | Aligned | da |
DimLinear | Linear | dr |
DimLinearHor | Horizontal | dh |
DimLinearVer | Vertical | dv |
DimLeader | Leader | ld |
Action | Tool | Commands |
ModifyTrim | Trim | tm, trim |
ModifyTrim2 | Trim Two | t2, tm2 |
ModifyMove | Move / Copy | mv |
ModifyBevel | Bevel | ch, fillet (bug) |
ModifyMirror | Mirror | mi |
ModifyRotate | Rotate | ro |
ModifyScale | Scale | sz |
ModifyStretch | Stretch | ss |
ModifyDelete | Deleted Selected | er |
BlocksExplode | Explode | xp |
ModifyCut | Divide | di, div, cut |
ModifyEntity | Properties | mp, prop |
ModifyRound | Fillet | fi, fillet |
ModifyAttributes | Attributes | ma, attr |
Action | Tool | Commands |
SnapFree | Free Snap | os, sf |
SnapGrid | Snap on Grid | sg |
SnapEndpoint | Snap on Endpoints | se |
SnapIntersection | Snap Intersection | si |
SnapCenter | Snap Center | sc |
SnapMiddle | Snap Middle | sm |
SnapOnEntity | Snap on Entity | np, sn |
SnapDist | Snap Distance | sd |
RestrictNothing | Restrict Nothing | rn |
RestrictOrthogonal | Restrict Orthogonal | rr |
RestrictHorizontal | Restrict Horizontal | rh |
RestrictVertical | Restrict Vertical | rv |
SetRelativeZero | Set Relative Zero Position | rz |
Action | Tool | Commands |
DeselectAll | Deselect All | tn |
SelectAll | Select All | sa |
Action | Tool | Commands |
InfoDist | Distance Point to Point | dpp, dist |
InfoAngle | Angle Between Two Lines | ang, angle |
InfoArea | Polygonal Area | ar, area |
ToolRegenerateDimensions | dimregen |
You can learn about the commands and the command line at:
Developers (and the curious) can find the commands in librecad/src/cmd/rs_commands.cpp
Command Alias File
You can define command aliases by changing the alias configuration file and restarting LibreCAD.
- C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\LibreCAD\librecad.alias
- $HOME/Library/Application Support/LibreCAD/librecad.alias
- $HOME/.local/share/data/LibreCAD/librecad.alias