We have moved to https://dokuwiki.librecad.org/
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This wiki will be kept for a while to keep search engine results valid. Moved sites may be deleted here in future.
We just need plain text descriptions that answer the question "What does this tool do?"
Purpose: Provide a short description of the items listed on the Tools menu.
if all that is added is a basic description of what the tool can be used for, and the formatting is simple and consistent, then a script could be written to integrate the descriptions into the program via http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qaction.html#whatsThis-prop
(Ravas, 27-May-17)
- This is not the purpose, but an idea I had. I will not be writing that script; and it is unlikely that someone else will. Other work would also be required. The purpose of this page is to create a simple list of tool descriptions. Ravas (talk) 19:26, 2 June 2017 (SAST)
- It is the purpose for this wiki page. Someone will do the other work and write the script. (Gary S)
"Menu Item" ["Objectname"]: "Simple description.", where
- "Menu Item" is as it appears on the menu (there are some exceptions in what I've put on the wiki as there is inconsistence in the menus). - "Objectname", enclosed in { }, is the name of the object that is called. - a full-colon delimiter (: ) - a one (or two if necessary) line description would be best.
- Changed [ ] to { } for object name as [ ] is used to identify keyboard keys.
[hide]Snap modes
Snap modes aren't tools. They have their own page. http://wiki.librecad.org/index.php/Snapping Ravas (talk) 18:53, 2 June 2017 (SAST)
- As with the Tools menu, descriptions would be useful for the snaps too (Gary S)
Tools are what you find in the "tools" menu. Please start a separate page for everything in the "Other" section. Ravas (talk) 13:21, 2 June 2017 (EDT)
If you want to create a more complete list of descriptions and include other information, my first thought would be an "Actions" page.
- http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qaction.html
- https://github.com/LibreCAD/LibreCAD/blob/master/librecad/src/ui/lc_actionfactory.cpp
Ravas (talk) 23:01, 2 June 2017 (SAST)
Menubar, etc.
- I've started another page to describe what is available in the default menubar. I'll add another one or two page in the future for Dockwidgets, etc... (Gary S)