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From LibreCAD wiki
Revision as of 08:07, 28 November 2019 by Flywire (Talk | contribs)

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Is the line width feature broken?

  • You might need to zoom in to see the width.
  • The line width is not shown when Draft Mode is enabled.

Why does exporting a PDF produce a blank page?

  • You need to select a paper format (e.g. A4) in 'Current Drawing Preferences'.

Is the unit precision broken?

  • "Current Drawing Preferences -> Units" affects the statusbar and info tools
  • "Current Drawing Preferences -> Dimensions" affects the dimension tools

Why do I not see the text associated with dimensions?

  • You might need to raise the value of Current Drawing Preferences -> Dimensions -> Text Height
  • You might also need to adjust the value of Current Drawing Preferences -> Dimensions -> General Scale

How to reset configuration back to defaults?

Menu - Options, Application Preferences, Defaults:

  • Layout: Resets the application window layout to the default configuration.
  • All: Resets the application to the default configuration. Window layout, color settings, custom menus and toolbars, etc. are all reset. The “Welcome” dialog will be displayed next time the application is launched.