We have moved to https://dokuwiki.librecad.org/

Lots of content was already moved to the new wiki, but there is still work to do. If you want to contribute, please register a new account at https://dokuwiki.librecad.org/

This wiki will be kept for a while to keep search engine results valid. Moved sites may be deleted here in future.

GSoC 2014

From LibreCAD wiki
Revision as of 01:15, 1 March 2014 by R. van Twisk (Talk | contribs)

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GSoC 2014 logo

LibreCAD Projects

LibreCAD is a free Open Source CAD application for Windows, Apple and Linux. Support and documentation is free from our large, dedicated community of users, contributors and developers.

Languages Difficulty Contacts
LibreCAD 3 kickoff: LibreCAD is a popular 2D CAD tool but is based on a old (10 years old) codebase that is hard to add features to. LibreCAD 3 aim's to completely rewrite LibreCAD in different different libraries to make coding against librecad easer. C++ MEDIUM R. van Twisk