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GSoC 2019

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GSoC 2019 logo


Again, under the umbrella of BRL-CAD, a couple of CAD/CAM/CAE or short CAx organizations going to mentor students for a 3 month full time coding challenge during their summer break. The students, when they participate successfully, will gain experience, reputation and also a certificate and a stipend from Google. Our value will be the progress, bringing LibreCAD 3 to a new level and hopefully attract the participants to stay longer with us and become a regular contributor.

Information for students

This year we try a new approach and created a common platform under the name OpenCAx for cross-cutting concerns. We use the OpenCAx term for quite some time, but now it becomes more clearer. Beside the information from Google at https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/ we have additional content for students at https://opencax.github.io/. Project ideas are listed under https://github.com/opencax/GSoC/issues and especially for LibreCAD one can filter by project.


Look out for Armin (LordOfBikes) or Florian (Feragon) on our community chat channels IRC #librecad or Zulip or reply to any project idea.


This year the winner is Kartik Kumar, a student from National Institute of Technology, Hamipur, India. His proposal is about OpenGL rendering in LibreCAD 3 to replace the Cairo engine.