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LibreCAD 3 - LibreCAD 3 - code style

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Code style guide

Accessor naming:

use foo->layer()

instead of


Immutables: Are immutables must be created 'valid', throw an exception if a immutable is attempted to be created that is invalid.


Circle::Circle(const Coordinate& center, double radius) : _center(center) {
    if (radius < 0.0) {
        throw "Invalid radius";

    _radius = radius;


Only throw exceptions in rare situations that are effectively unreasonable.

For example:

document->entityByID(...); // return null if a entry does not exists

hide shared_ptr behind a typedef:

    typedef std::shared_ptr<Circle> Circle_SPtr;
    typedef std::shared_ptr<const Circle> Circle_CSPtr;

This so we can 'shorten' our shred pointers, example:

  std::list<std::shared_ptr<const Circle>> myListLong; // Less readble
  std::list<Circle_CSPtr> myListReadable; // better readable

Shared pointer passing:

never pass shared_ptr by reference:


Line::Line(const geo::Coordinate& start, const geo::Coordinate& end, const Layer_SPtr layer) : CADEntity(layer), Vector(start, end) {..}


Line::Line(const geo::Coordinate& start, const geo::Coordinate& end, const Layer_SPtr &layer) : CADEntity(layer), Vector(start, end) {..}