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LibreCAD 3 - LibreCAD 3 - code style

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Code style guide

Accessor naming:

use foo->layer()

instead of


Immutables: Are immutables must be created 'valid', throw an exception if a immutable is attempted to be created that is invalid.


Circle::Circle(const Coordinate& center, double radius) : _center(center) {
    if (radius < 0.0) {
        throw "Invalid radius";

    _radius = radius;


Only throw exceptions in rare situations that are effectively unreasonable.

For example:

document->entityByID(...); // return null if a entry does not exists

hide shared_ptr behind a typedef:

    typedef std::shared_ptr<Circle> Circle_SPtr;
    typedef std::shared_ptr<const Circle> Circle_CSPtr;

This so we can 'shorten' our shred pointers, example:

  std::list<std::shared_ptr<const Circle>> myListLong; // Less readble
  std::list<Circle_CSPtr> myListReadable; // better readable

Shared pointer passing:

never pass shared_ptr by reference:


Line::Line(const geo::Coordinate& start, const geo::Coordinate& end, const Layer_SPtr layer) : CADEntity(layer), Vector(start, end) {..}


Line::Line(const geo::Coordinate& start, const geo::Coordinate& end, const Layer_SPtr &layer) : CADEntity(layer), Vector(start, end) {..}

using namespace std;

Don't bring in the std namespace into global. So always use std::vector, std::map, std::string etc...

Variable declarations on separate lines

For readability we prefer to have variables declared on separate lines. This will make commenting on variables when needed easer and in general add to readability.

good style:

const Coordinate _extension_point1;
const Coordinate _extension_point2;

bad style:

const Coordinate _extension_point1, _extension_point2;