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Pseudo-Scripting With Excel

From LibreCAD wiki
Revision as of 14:39, 31 August 2019 by Wolfgang Fahl (Talk | contribs)

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According to https://github.com/LibreCAD/LibreCAD/issues/256 there is no "proper" scripting solution for LibreCAD as of 2019-08. With Version 2.2. the best you can get is storing commands in a text file and load them via the "Load Command File" option of the button in the bottom right corner.

You can get a bit more mileage out of this if you use Excel (or OpenOffice for that matter) to calculate your commands.


In the ZIP file File:LibreCADScriptingExample.zip you'll find an Excel File that calculates a pattern.

Commands for LibreCAD are calculate with formulas like ="@"&$L21&"<"&C21

and summarized using the semikolon separator with formulas like =O21&";"&P21&";"&Q21&";"&R21&";"&O21

Column S then has a full list of commands which are also in the txt file in the ZIP file. These commands can now be loaded to be batch-executed by LibreCAD.


