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Revision as of 15:20, 26 May 2017 by Gary S (Talk | contribs)

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Define location of points

Enter the location of a point by "Absolute" or "Relative" reference (Cartesian coordinates):

  • Absolute (x,y) is the horizontal (x position), vertical (y position) from origin (0,0).
  • Relative (@x,y) is the horizontal (x distance), vertical (y distance) from current or selected point.

Length and Angle: (@l<d) is the distance or length (l) and the angle in degrees from zero (d) from the current or selected point (polar coordinates).

Note that:

Degrees Direction
0 (or 360) is Right
90 is Up
180 is Left
270 is Down


2 points: Draw a line between two points (x,y) (x,y).

Angle: Draw a line

Bisector: Draw a line

Free: Draw a line

HorVert: Draw a line

Horizontal: Draw a line

Orthogonal: Draw a line

OrthTan: Draw a line

Parallel: Draw a line

ParallelThrough: Draw a line

PolygonCenCor: Draw a line

PolygonCorCor: Draw a line

Rectangle: Draw a line

RelAngle: Draw a line

Tangent1: Draw a line

Tangent2: Draw a line

Vertical: Draw a line


Centre, Point: Draw a circle with a radius defined by specifying the centre (x,y) and a point (x,y) on the circumference.

2 Points: Draw a circle with a diameter defined by specifying two points (x,y) (x,y).

2 Points, Radius: Draw a circle with two points (x,y) (x,y) on the circumference and with a specified radius (length).








Allows for modifying the common attributes of the selected entities.


Allows for the modification of an entity's properties.
