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Revision as of 22:21, 2 December 2018 by Gary S (Talk | contribs)

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Tutorials provide step by step examples on how to create drawings for a specific purpose. Tutorials supplement the user manual (link to follow as it is currently being updated). A tutorial doesn’t require a full understanding of the commands used, but provides sufficient detail to allow the user to complete the drawing.

  e.g. Drawing a carport truss or a circuit board

Feel free to add a link, whether it within this wiki, a video hosted elsewhere or other, to your tutorial along with a brief description. Also please make a note of the version of LibreCAD used.

Starting_to_draw: This page presents a simple sequence of creating a basic drawing, from a blank document to a printed design. It assumes that you have installed LibreCAD and have opened it to a new default blank drawing. It introduces quite a few LibreCAD concepts, and links to other pages that explain these. (v2.2.0)