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Main Menu

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File menu tools

File menu 1.png

File tool bar (top)

File menu 2.png

New - will start a new LibreCAD file document/drawing.


Open - will open a saved drawing.


Save - will open ' Save Drawing As ' dialog and give you file formats to save to.


Print - will open up the print dialog window.


Print Preview - will open up the print preview , re-selecting this button will return you to Model space (drawing area).


Save As - will give you the option to save the current/existing drawing to a new file name and format.

Save As.png

Export As - options to export to .png, .jpg, .bmp, .svg etc...


Import - options to import, Insert Image, Block, read ascii points, shape file.

Import.png Import options.png

Edit tools

Edit tools.png

Undo - undo the last command, one step back.


Redo -redo the last command, step forward.
