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User:Ömer KAYA

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Worked at NETCAD company as Testing and Raster Based Software Specialist. Now working in power transmission lines sector. with LIDAR experties. Looking to attach to librecad LIDAR and develop my own solution for power transmission lines. Previously worked as a Solution Specilist and a GIS and Remote Sensing specialist in National Wide Known companies like Intergraph / Mescioğlu and InfoMAB My software is going to be the directly include the standards of Turkish Electiricity Company. This is why I want to build something like it. LIDAR is the future. so attaching some ingredients is important to librecad. Also some mapping functionalities like (import points, dense change, projections, ext. )

For more of my information please visit the following site (LinkedIn) = tr.linkedin.com/pub/ömer-kaya/30/b50/3a7/

Kind Regards