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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Clc::AddLinePatternEventEvent that gets emitted when a new line pattern was added to the document
 Cdetail::GetAllOverload< Ret, F, Arg >::Builder< N, Tuple, Ts >
 Cdetail::GetAllOverload< Ret, F, Arg >::Builder< 1, std::tuple< Ts...>, Ts2...>
 Cdetail::GetAllOverload< Ret, F, Arg >::Builder< N, std::tuple< Ts...>, Ts2...>
 Clc::geo::CoordinateDistanceSortSort a Collection in order of distance to a specific coordinate
 Cdetail::dispatcher< Ret, IVisitor, F, N >
 Clc::EntityContainer< CT >The EntityContainer class manages a set of entities. This call will allow to select (but not manipulate) entities
 Clc::EntityContainer< entity::CADEntity_CSPtr >
 Clc::EntityCoordinateClass that represents a Coordinate associated with a distance to a test point and a identifier for the point
 Cdetail::GetAllOverload< Ret, F, Arg >::Functor< Ts >
 Cdetail::get_index< T, Ts >
 Cdetail::get_index< T, Ts...>
 Cdetail::get_index_in_tuple< T, Tuple >
 Cdetail::GetAllOverload< Ret, F, Arg >
 Clc::HasIntersectAgainstOthersCalculate intersection points of many entities but beal out asap when a intersection point was found
 Cindex_sequence< Is...>
 Clc::IntersectCalculate the intersection pojnts of 2 entities
 Clc::IntersectAgainstOthersCalculate intersection points of many entities
 Clc::IntersectManyCalculate intersection points of many entities
 Cdetail::IVisitorImpl< IVisitor, C, Ts >
 Cdetail::IVisitorImpl< IVisitor, C, Ts...>
 Cdetail::IVisitorImplType< IVisitor, C >
 Cdetail::IVisitorImplType< IVisitorTs< Ts...>, C >
 CIVisitorTs< Ts >
 CIVisitorTs< T >
 CIVisitorTs< Ts...>
 Cmake_index_sequence< N, Is >
 Cdetail::multi_array_getter< I >
 Cdetail::multi_array_getter< 0 >
 Clc::QuadTreeSub< E >The QuadTreeSub class each nide below QuadTree will be a QuadTreeSub type
 Clc::QuadTreeSub< CT >
 Clc::QuadTreeSub< entity::CADEntity_CSPtr >
 Clc::RemoveLinePatternEventEvent that gets emitted when a new line pattern was removed from the document
 Clc::ReplaceLinePatternEventEvent that gets emitted when a new line pattern was replaced in the document
 Clc::operation::Undoable: Abstract class for a Undoable operations All operations you wnt to beable to get place in the undo stack should inherit from Undoable and implement undo and redo. A provided text can be used to show within the undo stack what operation will be re-done or un-done
 Clc::UnmanagedDraggableDraggable that has to remove and add itself from the document
 Cdetail::dispatcher< Ret, IVisitor, F, N >::visitorCallImpl